Guide to CyLock MFA


CyLock MFA is a powerful, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Solution a token-less, advanced Out-of-Band Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) solution which provides strong authentication & authorization mechanism using end users mobile devices. CyLock MFA is designed to protect user accounts, applications and devices.

Organizations or individuals can protect their applications by using CyLock Multifactor Authentication (CyLock MFA). CyLock Portal provides administrators with the ability to manage their users, protect applications and configure various MFA parameters.

To use CyLock MFA, users have to subscribe for a plan and register their details to gain access to CyLock Portal. Refer below sections for using CyLock MFA effectively.

CyLock Portal will allow organization administrator or individuals to manage their user accounts, protect applications, manage devices etc. The brief description of the functionalities is given in subsequent sections.

CyLock MFA is available on CyLock Mobile App - Google Play Store CyLock Mobile App - App Store

Download CyLock MFA mobile app CyLock Authentication to carry out authentication.

Getting started

The CyLock MFA is a secured web-based interface using which various types of users (developers, security admins, business users, operators, and technologists) administer to access applications using its significant features.

This topic covers the following:

Launching CyLock MFA Platform

To get started with CyLock MFA, you must launch it and login to use its features. You can launch the CyLock MFA portal in your system using a web browser. Open a web browser and type https://portal.cybernexa.com.The system displays the CyLock MFA Platform Login page as shown in Figure 1. Log in to create and manage your applications.

Registration - CyLock

Create your Account (Sign-up)

1.To create new account, click Register with CyLock (Sign-up) in the Login page as shown in Figure 1.

    Registration - CyLock

    Figure 1 - Login Page

    The System navigates to Sign-up page as shown in Figure 1.1.

    Signup page - CyLock

    Figure 1.1 - Sign-Up Screen

  1. The following table lists the required fields and the corresponding details.

    Field Description Validation
    User ID Username of the user to login to the CyLock Portal Accepts 2 to 30 upper-case and lower-case alphabets, numbers, hyphen, underscore, dot and at the rate symbol
    First Name First name of the user Accepts 2 to 30 upper-case and lower-case alphabets and space.
    Last Name Last name of the user Accepts 1 to 30 upper-case and lower-case alphabets and space.
    Email Address Valid email address of the user Accepts a valid email format.
    Phone Number Valid phone number of the user Accepts 10 numbers.
    Password Password to enter the CyLock portal Accepts minimum 8 characters and contain at least 1 lowercase,1 uppercase,1 numeric,1 special character
    Confirm Password Confirmation password that is same as the entered password Should match the characters provided in the Password field.
    Select Organization / Individual Option to select the type of login. Available options are:

    • Organization – indicates that you are signing up to create an organizational account
    • Individual – indicates that you are signing up to create a personal account

    Note: After selecting an option, this parameter name changes to the selected option.
    Organization Name Name of the registering Organization
    Select No. of Employees Option to select the employee count range in the organization. Available options are:
    • 1 – 100
    • 100 – 500
    • 500 – 1000
    • 1000 – 2000
    • 2000 – More than 2000

    Note: Organization Name and Select No. of Employees fields are displayed only when Organization is selected from the Select Organization / Individual drop-down.

  2. 2. Enter all required fields and click “Sign-up” button.
  3. The system generates and sends an email with a verification token to the provided email ID as shown below.

    Note: Figure 2 Shows the Registration Token sample in the email.

    Registration Token - CyLock

    Figure 2 - Registration Token Sample

    While sending verification token, the system displays the Email Verification screen as shown below.

    Email Verification screen - CyLock

    Figure 3 - Email Verification Screen

  4. 3.Enter the received registration token code in the Enter your token code field and click the “Verify” button. The system displays a success message as shown in Figure 4.
  5. Success message - CyLock

    Figure 4 - Registration Success Message

  6. 4.Click the “OK” button. The system displays a Thank you screen as shown in Figure 5.
  7. Thank you screen - CyLock

    Figure 5 – Thank you Screen

  8. 5.Click "Login" to navigate to the Login page.

Login to CyLock MFA Platform

You can log into the CyLock MFA Platform from any of the web browser available in your system.

Login to CyLock MFA Platform

Figure 6 - Login Screen

Enter the registered user id and password in respective fields and click “Login”. The Homepage appears as shown in Figure 7.

Steps to login to portal - CyLock

Figure 7 - Admin Dashboard

Note: If the User enters the invalid credentials more than the number of Login Failure Attempts (Ref configurations list for login failure attempt count), then the Portal user is locked. The Portal user can be unlocked by Admin users in user management module, or it will be unlocked automatically after the given hours (Ref configure time for auto unlock time).

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password and want to change it, click “Forgot Password?” in the Login Page. The system displays Forgot Password screen as shown in Figure 8.

Forget Password - CyLock

Figure 8 - Forgot Password Screen

To reset your password

  1. Get Email Step:Enter the registered Email address and click the “Send Email”. An email with the token is sent to your registered email address.
  2. Note:Below Figure 9 is the Reset Token sample in the email.

    Reset password - CyLock

    Figure 9 -Token Reset sample

    While sending the token to the registered email address, the system navigates to “Token Verification” screen as shown in Figure 10.

  3. Token Verification Step: Enter the token received through registered email and click the “Verify Token” button.
  4. Forgot password screen - CyLock

    Figure 10 - Token Verification Screen

    The system displays the Change Password Screen as shown in Figure 11.

    Forgot password screen - CyLock

    Figure 11 - Change Password Screen

    Password eligible meet screen - CyLock

    Figure 11.1 - Change Password Screen

  5. Change Password Step:Enter the required password as per the Password Policy and click the “Change Password” button.
  6. Note:User is allowed to use password other than last 3 passwords. Refer the Password Policy screen to view the Change Password limit count.

    The system displays a Success message as shown in Figure 12

    Password changed success screen - CyLock

    Figure 12 - Password Change Success Message

    Password Success Message will also be sent to registered email as shown in below Figure 12.1

    Password changed message - CyLock

    Figure 12.1 - Password Change Success Message

  7. Click “Ok” to display the CyLock MFA login screen.
  8. Enter the new password and log in to the CyLock Portal.


After successful login to CyLock MFA Portal, Homepage is displayed as shown in Figure 13.

Home Page - CyLock

Figure 13 - Homepage

Homepage includes below menus on the left pane of the screen.

  • Dashboard
  • Support Desk
  • User Management
  • Application
  • Devices
  • Reports
  • Masters
  • Settings


Dashboard displays basic metrics, Authentication History, and other details as mentioned below.

On the Top left of screen, CyLock logo Logo - CyLock is displayed.

By clicking CyLock logo, License and Build information is displayed as shown in Figure 14.

License - CyLock

Figure 14 - License & Build Information

  • Account Limit: The number of accounts that can be created in this portal (Based on the license purchased)
  • Device Limit: The number of devices that a user can register (Based on the license purchased)
  • Total registered users: Number of users registered in CyLock Application under that organization.
  • Available Users count: Remaining user accounts that can be registered

[Available Users count = Account limit - Total registered users]

Default role- CyLock Default Role: Role assigned while creating the user.

Default Branch- CyLock Default Branch:Branch assigned while creating the user.

On the top right corner, Notification icon, Process steps, User name, Organization Name, Log out icons are displayed.

Bell CyLock Notification icon:When enabling portal access for single user or selected multiple users, a notification will be received by the Admin displaying the Mail sent status. Whenever a notification is received, the icon will display the number of the notifications received as shown in Figure 15.

Notification Bell CyLock Bell CyLock

Figure 15 - Notification Icon with and without incoming messages

Notification Tab CyLock

Figure 15.1 - Notification Tab

Notification Message Screen CyLock

Figure 15.2 - Notification Message screen

Steps - CyLockProcess Steps:Registration process is of 4 steps:

  • Step-1: Add new portal user
  • Step-2: Secure application
  • Step-3: Register application user
  • Step-4: Add device for user

Note:Initially all the stages will be in Red colour, as the process gets completed it changes to Green. Incomplete stages will be in Yellow colour.

Username CyLock Username: Name of the user.

Organization CyLock Organization name: Organization name of the user.

On clicking drop-down icon near Organization Name, a list of options- Profile, Set Default Role are displayed as shown in Figure 16.

User Profile Menu CyLock

Figure 16 - User Profile Menu

On the left pane of the screen, Basic Metrics that includes Device Connected, Secured Application, Registered Users, and Authentication History are displayed as shown in Figure 13.

Basic Metrics:

  • Device Connected Device Connected – Number of devices registered under various applications by Organization users
  • Secured Application securedapplication – Number of applications that have been secured in the Organization
  • Registered Users Registeredusers CyLock – Number of registered users in the Organization using CyLock MFA

Authentication History: List shows the authentication history performed by users of the Organization, as shown in Figure 17.

Authentication History CyLock

Figure 17 - Authentication History

The Authentication History list displays the below details:

  • Application Name
  • Application Username
  • Branch
  • Device
  • Transaction Context
  • Fraud Alert
  • Req Time
  • Geo
  • Status

The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown in figure 17.1.

Liew view CyLock

Figure 17.1 - List View

A column-based search function is available in the list of authentication history. “Select to Search” Drop Down lists the following as shown in Figure 17.2

Select to search Drop-Down

Figure 17.2 - Select to search Drop-Down

Select the column value to search, type the search value in the Search text box to quickly get the corresponding authentication data as displayed in Figure 17.3.

Authentication History Search result

Figure 17.3 - Authentication History Search result

Support Desk

The Support Desk helps the administrator to search and get all the information of a particular application user in a single page. Customized users with privileges have access to support desk menu. On expanding Main Menu, click Support Desk Menu, the Support Desk Screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 18

Support Desk Screen - CyLock

Figure 18 - Support Desk Screen

Select an Application from the list of “Applications Secure”. Select Column Name from the list as shown in Figure below. In “Type Value”, enter the value to search as shown in Figure 18.1

Support Desk Screen with updated values- CyLock

Figure 18.1 - Support Desk Screen with updated values

After selecting all the values, click “Search” to get one or a list of application users as shown in Figure 18.2

Support Desk screen Displaying Application User - CyLock

Figure 18.2 - Support Desk screen Displaying Application User

Application User

On the Application Users Tab Click “View” under “Select One to View” against the Application username. The system displays the entire details of that particular application user as shown in Figure 18.3. The Application User Tab displays user details of that Application User including Application Name, First name of the user, Last name of the user, Default Online Authentication Mode, Default Offline Authentication Mode, Application User Name, Authentication type, Device limit, Contact Numbers, Geo-fencing, etc.,

Support Desk screen Displaying Application User Tab- CyLock

Figure 18.3 - Support Desk screen Displaying Application User Tab


The Device Tab displays one or a list of devices registered by the user. Details displayed - Application Username, Device, OS Name, Is Default, Device Registered Date, Select One to View as shown in Figure 18.4.

Support Desk screen Displaying Device Tab- CyLock

Figure 18.4 - Support Desk screen Displaying Device Tab

Click “View” to get Registered User details and Geo-Fencing details as shown in Figure 18.4.1

Support Desk screen Displaying Device Tab 2 - CyLock

Figure 18.4.1 - Support Desk screen Displaying Device Tab


In the Authentication Tab, Select “From” date, “To” date and Select Online / Offline in “Select Authmode”. Click “Filter” to get the Authentication report of that particular user for that specified period as shown in Figure 18.5

Support Desk screen Displaying Authentication Tab- CyLock

Figure 18.5 - Support Desk screen Displaying Authentication Tab

A column-based search function is available in the Authentication Tab. “Select to Search” Drop Down lists the following as shown in Figure 18.5.1.

search drop down - CyLock

Figure 18.5.1 - Select to search Drop-Down

Support Desk screen Displaying Authentication Tab search result - CyLock

Fraud Alert

In the Fraud Alert Tab, Select “From” date, “To” date. Click “Filter” to get the Fraud Alert report of that particular user for that specified period as shown in Figure 18.6

Support Desk screen Displaying Fraud Alert tab- CyLock

Figure 18.6 - Support Desk screen Displaying Fraud Alert tab

A column-based search function is available in the Fraud Alert Tab. “Select to Search” Drop Down lists the following as shown in Figure below.

search drop down - CyLock

Figure 18.6.1 - Select to search Drop-Down

Support Desk screen Displaying Fraud Alert Tab search result - CyLock

Figure 18.6.2 - Support Desk screen Displaying Fraud Alert Tab search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown in Figure 18.7.
  • List View - CyLock

    Figure - 18.7 List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.

User Management

User Management allows Organization Administrator to add User, change User status, view / update User information and delete User from the Organization. User Management includes two types of Users, namely Portal Users and Local Users.

  1. Portal Users - The users designated for managing the Cylock portal are known as portal users. User access to the portal is regulated by assigning roles and privileges.
  2. Local Users - In any application that requires the FFA to be completed but does not maintain temporary users. In order to handle temporary users with login credentials and carry out first factor authentication for the client application, these local users were created.
User Management Dashboard - CyLock

Figure 19 - User Management Dashboard

From the Main menu, expand User Management menu and click Portal User sub menu, the system displays User Management Dashboard - Portal User as shown in Figure 19. User Management Dashboard includes Metrics and List of Registered Portal Users.

Metrics includes as below:

  • Total Portal Users – Number of Portal Users
  • Active Portal Users – Number of Active Portal Users
  • Inactive Portal Users – Number of Inactive Portal Users

The List of Registered Portal Users view includes below details

  • Email – Email of the Portal User
  • Contact No – Contact o of the Portal User
  • User Name - User Name of the Portal User
  • First Name – First Name of the Portal User
  • Staff No - Staff No of the Portal User
  • Branch – Default Branch of the Portal User
  • Portal Access – Portal Access Status of the Portal User
  • Status – Active/Inactive toggle
  • View/Update – link to view or update user details
  • Created Date – Created date of the Portal User
  • Delete – Delete icon to remove the User account

A column-based search function is available in the list of registered Portal Users. Select the column value to search, from the “Select to search” drop down as shown in Figure 19.1.

Select to search Drop-Down

Figure 19.1 - Select to search Drop-Down

Type the search value in the Search text box to quickly get a portal user data as displayed in Figure 19.2..

User Management search result - CyLock

Figure 19.2 - User Management search result

Options Panel - CyLock

Figure - 19.3 Options Panel

Delete To delete all the selected users at a time
Active User To make multiple users active at the same time
Inactive User To make multiple users inactive at the same time.
Enable Portal Enable portal Access - To enable portal access for multiple users at the same time. Once the users are selected and given portal access, users will receive a notification that they are granted portal access.

The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown in Figure 19.4.

List View - CyLock

Figure - 19.4 List View

Adding Portal User

  1. In the Portal User list view, click “Add User” button as shown in below Figure. The System displays the “Add Portal User” form.
  2. Adding Portal User - CyLock

    Figure 20 - Portal Users List View

  3. In the Add Portal User form as shown in Below figure 21, enter below details.
    • First Name – required; First Name of the Portal User
    • Last Name - optional; Last Name of the Portal User
    • Staff No – optional; Staff No of the Portal User
    • User ID – required; User ID of the Portal User
    • Email – required; Email id of the Portal User
    • Contact Number – required; Contact Number of the Portal User
    • Enable Portal – optional; allows User to access CyLock Portal
    • User Role – required; Select any role from the customized role list as shown in Figure 21.1. The portal user can be assigned many roles. Only one role can be selected as the portal user's default role.
    • List of Roles - CyLock

      Figure 21.1 - List of Roles

    • User Branch– required; Select any branch from the branch list as shown in Figure 21.2. The portal user can be assigned many branches. Only one branch can be selected as the portal user's default branch.
    • List of Branches - CyLock

      Figure 21.2 - List of Branches

    Note:Portal Users can carry out the actions based on the privileges allocated to their default role. Portal users won't be able to carry out the activity on the screen if the privilege isn't granted to their logged in role. Each list will function based on the branch that is currently logged in.

    Add Portal User form - CyLock

    Figure 21 - Add Portal User form

  4. Click “Save” to save all entries. The system displays a success message as shown below in 22
  5. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit the form without saving.

    Success page - CyLock

    Figure 22 - Portal User Registration Success Message

  6. Click “Ok”. The system sends login credentials (2FA) to the registered email address of the Portal User so as to access CyLock Portal.

Editing Portal User

  1. In the Portal User list view, click “View/Update” link corresponding to the Portal User whose details need to be updated as shown in Figure 23.
  2. Editing Portal User - CyLock

    Figure 23 - Portal Users List View

    The system navigates to Edit Portal User form as shown below.

    Edit Portal - CyLock

    Figure 24 - Edit Portal User Form

  3. In the Edit Portal User Form, update parameters to be changed.
  4. Note: User ID and Email are not allowed to update.

  5. Click “Update” to save all entries. The system displays a success message as shown below.
  6. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit the form without saving.

    Success page - CyLock

    Figure 25 - User Detail Updated Success Message

  7. Click “OK” to update User details.

Importing Portal User

  1. In the Portal User list view, click “Import Portal User” button as shown in Figure 26.
  2. Importing Portal User - CyLock

    Figure 26 - List of Registered Portal Users

    The System displays the “Download/Upload Template” screen as shown in Figure 27

    Download Template - CyLock

    Figure 27 - Download/Upload Template

  3. Click “Download” button to download the Import Portal User download template in the “Downloads” folder of the Computer.
  4. Figure 27.1 & 27.2 is the snapshots of the template file.

    Data Entry Sheet

    Import Portal User Template (Sheet 1)

    Figure 27.1 - Import Portal User Template (Sheet 1)

    Instruction Sheet

    Instruction Sheet (Sheet 2)

    Figure 27.2 - Instruction Sheet (Sheet 2)

  5. Enter all information in the required fields and save to a destination folder.
  6. In the Upload Template screen, choose the saved file from the destination folder and Click “Upload”.
  7. Note: Import is allowed for 100 user entries at a time using the template.

    The System displays success message upon upload as shown in Figure 28.

    Import Success page - CyLock

    Figure 28 - Imported Success Message

  8. Click “OK” to update User details.
  9. Figure 29 shows the snapshot of sample imported data.

    Imported user list - CyLock

    Figure 29 - Imported user list

Deleting Portal User

  1. In the Portal User list view, click “Delete” icon corresponding to the Portal User. The system displays the below confirmation message to delete the Portal User 1.as shown in Figure 30.
  2. Deleting Portal User - CyLock

    Figure 30 - Delete User Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to remove the selected Portal User Account. The system displays a success message as shown in Figure 31.
  4. User Deletion Success Message - CyLock

    Figure 31 - User Deletion Success Message

    Note: Click “Cancel” in Delete User popup, to exit the process without deleting the User account.

    Note: The portal user is not permitted to be deleted from the portal if they are mapped with an application user. To delete such portal user, you must first delete the application users that are mapped to the portal user.

  5. The system displays a Failure message in the portal if the user linked with the application user is trying to be deleted as shown in Figure 32.
  6. User Management - CyLock

    Figure 32 - Failure Message Pop-up

Enabling/Disabling Portal User

  1. In the Portal User list view, use toggle button Active button - CyLock corresponding to the Portal User. The system displays “Disable User” popup message as shown in Figure 33
  2. Enabling/Disabling Portal User - CyLock

    Figure 33 - Disable User Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to disable the selected Portal User.
  4. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit disabling Portal User without saving.

Local User

Local User Dashboard allows the Organization Administrator to Add Local User, Import Local User, Change User status, View / Update User information and Delete User from the Organization. On clicking Local User under User Management menu, User Management – Local User Dashboard is displayed as shown in Figure 34..

Local User Dashboard - CyLock

Figure 34 - Local User Dashboard

User Management – Local User Dashboard includes metrics and List of Registered Local Users.

Metrics displays Total Local Users – Number of Local Users.

The List of Registered Local Users view includes below details

  • User Name – Display Name of the Local User
  • Contact Number – Contact Number of the Local User
  • Email – Email id of the Local User
  • Radius Auth – Enabled or disabled for RADIUS authentication
  • OU Name – OU/Group Name Name of the Local User
  • Last Modified By – Show the email address of the portal user who made the modifications to the local user.
  • Last Modified Date – Show the recent modified date of the local user.
  • Status – Active/Inactive toggle
  • View/Update – link to view or update user details
  • Delete – Delete icon to remove the User account

Adding Local User

  1. In the Local User list view, click “Add Local User” button as shown in Figure 36. The System displays the “New User form”.
  2. List of Registered Local Users view - CyLock

    Figure 35 - List of Registered Local Users view

  3. In the New User form as shown in Figure 36, enter below details.

    New User Form - CyLock

    Figure 36 - New User Form

    • User Name – required; Display Name of the Local User
    • Email – required; Valid Email id of the Local User
    • Contact Number – required; Valid Contact Number of the Local User
    • Radius Auth – Check to allow second factor authentication
    • Password – required;The user has two options: either type in the password or click the Load symbol to generate a random password.
    • OU Name – optional;Group Name/OU Name of the Local User.

    To View the Password Policy enabled:

    Click the Information icon to view the Local user's Password Policy as shown in Figure 37.

    Password Policy - CyLock

    Figure 37 - Password Policy

  4. Click “Save” to save all entries. The system displays a success message as shown in Figure 38.
  5. Local User Registration Success Message - CyLock

    Figure 38 - Local User Registration Success Message

  6. Click “OK” to close the window.

Editing Local User

  1. In the Local User list view, click “View/Update” link corresponding to the Local User whose details need to be updated as shown in Figure 39.
  2. Local Users List View - CyLock

    Figure 39 - Local Users List View

    The system navigates to Edit Local User form as shown in below Figure 40.

    Edit Local User Form - CyLock

    Figure 40 - Edit Local User Form

  3. In the Edit Local User Form, update parameters that require change.
  4. Click “Update” to save all entries.
  5. Note: Click “Cancel” to revert any changes.

    Password Policy is as same as Figure 37.

Importing Local User

  1. In the Local User list view, click “Import Local User” button as shown below.
  2. List of Registered Local Users - CyLock

    Figure 41 - List of Registered Local Users

    The System displays the “Download/Upload Template” screen.

    Download/Upload Template - CyLock

    Figure 42 - Download/Upload Template screen

  3. Click “Download” button to download the import Local User download template in the “Downloads” folder of the Computer.
  4. Figure 43.1 & 43.2 is the snapshots of the template file.

    Import Local User Template (Sheet 1) - CyLock

    Figure 43.1 - Import Local User Template (Sheet 1)

    Instruction Sheet (Sheet 2) - CyLock

    Figure 43.2 - Instruction Sheet (Sheet 2)

  5. Enter all information in the required fields and save to a destination folder.
  6. In the Download/Upload Template screen, choose the saved file from the destination folder and Click “Upload”.
  7. Note: Import is allowed for 100 user entries at a time using the template. The System displays below success message.

    The System displays success message as shown in Figure 44.

    Imported Local User Success Message- CyLock

    Figure 44 - Imported Local User Success Message

  8. Click “OK” to navigate to List page. Below Figure 45 shows the sample imported Local User.
  9. Imported Local User List - CyLock

    Figure 45 - Imported Local User List

Deleting Local User

  1. In the Local User list view, click “Delete” icon corresponding to the Local User. The system displays the below confirmation message to delete the Local User 1.as shown in Figure 46.
  2. Delete User Pop-up - CyLock

    Figure 46 - Delete User Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to remove the selected Local User Account. The system displays below success message.
  4. Note: Click “Cancel” in the Delete User popup to exit the process without deleting the User account.

Enabling/Disabling Local User

  1. In the Portal User list view, use toggle button corresponding to the Local User. The system displays “Disable User” popup message.
  2. Enabling/Disabling Local User - CyLock

    Figure 47 - Inactive User Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to disable the selected Local User.
  4. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit disabling Portal User without saving.


Application allows only Organization Administrator to secure new application, view locked accounts, add/view users for each secured application, change application status, view/update application information and delete an application.

Customized users do not have the privilege to secure an application.

From the main menu, click Application to display the available sub menus. Click “Secure Application” sub menu from the Application menu as shown in Figure 48.

Application Dashboard - CyLock

Metrics include the below details:

  • Total Application Users: – Total application Users using CyLock MFA in an Organization
  • Active Application Users: – Total Active application users in an Organization/li>
  • Locked Application Users: – Total Inactive application users in an Organization

List of Registered Applications includes as below:

  • Application Name – Type of Application
  • Application Alias Name – Alias Name of the Application
  • Application Type – Application type specifies whether the application is Management Application or the Secured Application.
  • Total Active Users – Number of Active Users associated to the Application
  • Status – Active/Inactive state of the Application
  • View/Update – View or update the Application Information
  • Delete – delete the application, only if no users associated to the Application

Note: The Management Application will be secured automatically during the Signup process to allow MFA for the CyLock Portal.

A column-based search function is available in the list of registered Applications. Select the column value to search. Select to Search Drop Down is shown in Figure 48.1.

  • Application Name
  • Application Alias Name
Application- CyLock

Figure 48.1 - Select to search Drop-Down

Type the search value in the Search text box to quickly get a Secured Application data as displayed in Figure 48.2.

Application Search result - CyLock

Figure 48.2 - Application Search result

Securing an Application:

Using CyLock MFA, Organizations / Individuals can enable MFA for Applications as shown in Figure 49.

CyLock Applications List Screen - CyLock

Figure 49 - CyLock Applications List Screen


Except Web Application, for securing all other applications, download corresponding agents/components to integrate with CyLock MFA platform. Use the details displayed during application protection


Securing an application requires an active CyLock account. Refer “Getting Started” to start using CyLock MFA to protect your applications.

Adding new Application

  1. In the List of Registered Applications view as shown below, click “Add Application” to navigate to Secure page.
  2. List of Registered Applications - CyLock

    Figure 50 - List of Registered Applications

  3. In the Secure page, select Application by clicking corresponding checkbox as shown below in Figure 51.
  4. CyLock Applications - CyLock

    Figure 51 - CyLock Applications

  5. Click “Secure” button as shown in Figure 51 to navigate to Application Key page.
  6. Application Information page is shown in Figure 52, enter all details as required.
  7. Application Information Screen - CyLock

    Figure 52 - Application Information Screen

    Parameter Description
    Application Key Read-only, auto-generated unique key
    Customer ID Read-only, auto-generated unique key
    Server IP Address Valid Server IP Address
    Application URL Valid Application URL
    Application Alias Unique Application Alias Name


    • Do not share the API Key and Customer ID with anyone.
    • Email Address & Contact Number should be unique across the organization

  8. Click “Save” to secure the application.
  9. Note: Press “Back” to cancel saving the Secured Application created and go back to the previous screen. After successfully securing the Application, the Application screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 53.

    Application Information Screen - CyLock

    Figure 53 - Application Information Screen

Viewing Locked Accounts

1.On expanding Applications, Click “Locked User” to navigate to Locked User List page.

Viewing Locked Accounts  - CyLock

Figure 79 - List of Locked Users

2.In the Locked User List page, click “Unlock” in the Status column corresponding to the Application User Name whose account is locked.

Locked User List - CyLock

Figure 80 - Locked User List

The system displays below message to confirm unlock action.

confirm unlock action - CyLock

Figure 81 - Unlock User Pop-up

3.Click “Confirm” to unlock the user.

Note: Click “Cancel” to undo any changes.

Select to Search Drop Down

  • Application User Name
  • Application Name
  • Email

A column-based search function is available in the list of Application users. Select the column value to search, type the search value in the Search text box to quickly get a application user data as displayed below.

 Select to Search Drop-Down

Figure 81.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.

list view- CyLock

Figure 81.2 - List View

Enabling/Disabling Application Status

  1. In the Application list view, use toggle button corresponding to the Application.
    The system displays “Inactive Application” popup message as shown in Figure 54..
  2. Inactive Application Pop-up - CyLock

    Figure 54 - Inactive Application Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to disable the the selected Application.
  4. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit disabling Application without saving.

Viewing/Updating Application information

  1. In the List of Registered Applications view, click “View/Update” corresponding to the Application as shown in Figure 55.
  2. List of Registered Applications - CyLock

    Figure 55 - List of Registered Applications

    The system displays “Application Information” page as shown in Figure 56.

    Application Information - CyLock

    Figure 56 - Application Information Screen

  3. In the Application Information page, modify all parameters as needed
  4. Click “Save” to update the details of the Application.
  5. Note: Click “Back” to navigate to the List view without saving changes.

    The system displays an Application update success message as shown in Figure 57.

    Application Update Success Message - CyLock

    Figure 57 - Application Update Success Message

  6. Click “Ok” to save changes and go to back to list view.

Deleting Application

  1. In the Application list view, click “Delete” icon corresponding to the Application. The system displays the below confirmation message to delete the Application.
  2. Deleting Application - CyLock

    Figure 58 - Delete Application Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to remove the selected Application. The system displays below failure message, as Active users associated to the Application.
  4.  Aknowledgement- CyLock

    Figure 59 - Failure pop-up


    • Remove all active users associated with the Application before deleting it.
    • Click “Cancel” in the Delete Application popup to exit the deleting process.

Application User

In the List of Registered Applications view, click User Icon- CyLock corresponding to the Application to View the registered application Users

Application User Dashboard - CyLock

Figure 60 – Application User Dashboard

The system navigates to Application User list page as shown below.

List of Application Users - CyLock

Figure 61 - List of Application Users

In the List of Registered User view, click “Add New User” as shown above, to navigate to “Add Application User” page.

Administrator can perform below configurations for Application User in the List of Registered User page.

  • Add Application User
  • Importing Users
  • Enabling/disabling Application User Status
  • Viewing/Updating Application User Information
  • Deleting Application User account
  • Sending QR Code to Application User for Mobile Device Registration

Add Application User

Add Application User Info - CyLock

Figure 62 -Add Application User Info

Below is the list of all required fields and corresponding details.

User Information – required; Application User information

  • Application Name – Type of Application associated to the User, displayed by default
  • Choose Portal User – required; New Portal User or Existing Portal User can chosen here to map the portal user with the application user.
  • Note: Multiple Application Usernames can be associated to single Portal Username

    If New Portal User Chosen

    • First Name – required; First Name of the Portal User
    • Staff No – optional; Staff No of the Portal User
    • Enable Portal – optional; Portal Access state
    • If Existing Portal User Chosen

    • Existing Portal User – required; Select Portal User Name from the list of displayed email ids to access CyLock Portal
  • Application User Name – required; Enter User Name to access Application
  • Email– required; Enter Email address of the Application User for sending Notification
  • User Type- required; User Type can be AD , Local or Individual
    • AD – Choose AD if the User comes under the AD
    • Local - Choose Local if the User comes under the Local User
    • Individual - Choose Individual if the User does not come under the Local/AD
  • OU Name– Specifies the OU Name of the User.
  • Domain Name– Specifies the Domain of the User.
  • Contact Number–Two Contact Numbers can be added under the Application User. In that Only One can be the Preferred One.
    • Contact Number 1– Enter Primary Contact Number of Application User
    • Contact Number 2– Enter Secondary Contact Number of Application User
    • Preferred Number– Select Contact Number 1 or Contact Number 2 of Application User for sending Notification
  • Allow User Override setting–Select to allow User to override settings done by Administrator
  • Authentication Settings – required; Set Preferred Authentication

    • Enable Geo Fencing– Select to enable geographical restrictions while accessing the application
    • Preferred Auth Mode– Choose Preferred Auth Mode
      • Online– Authenticate Application User when the Mobile device is Online
      • Offline– Authenticate Application User when mobile device is Offline

    Preferred Online Authentication –required; Select any online Authentication type as required. Among the chosen authentication types, only one authentication can be the preferred one.

    Select Auth Type Preferred Auth
    • Auth Push – Send push notification to the Application User
    • Auth Push+BIO – Send push notification to the Application User which has to be authenticated by Biometric
    • Auth Push+Pin - Send push notification to the Application User which has to be authenticated by entering the PIN
    • QR Push – Scan the QR to authenticate
    • QR Push+PIN – Scan the QR and authenticate with PIN
    • QR Push+BIO - Scan the QR and authenticate with Biometric

    Note:Generally, PIN is recommended, as all Mobile devices might not have biometric during registration.

    Preferred Offline Authentication –required; Select any offline Authentication type as required. Among the chosen authentication types, only one authentication can be the preferred one.

    Select Auth Type Preferred Auth
    X GRID
    • POTP EMAIL - Plain OTP sent through Email used for authentication
    • POTP SMS - Plain OTP sent through SMS used for authentication
    • CR-OTP EMAIL - Challenge OTP sent to Email that is used to generate Response OTP for authentication
    • CR-OTP SMS - Challenge OTP sent to SMS that is used to generate Response OTP for authentication
    • CR-OTP Display – Displays the Challenge in the Client Application
    • TOTP AUTH –Authentication which uses the one time password which uses the current time as input
    • VOICE OTP – Authentication which sends the OTP information through VOICE to the registered mobile number
    • X GRID – Authentication which uses the GRID PIN and X-value to find the One Time Password in the GRID.

    Time Based Settings –optional;

    • Enforce Time Based Authentication – Enforce specific authentication type for a specific period of time
    • From and To Date – Select the From date and To date
    • Enforce Auth Type – Select Authentication type
    • Reason for Enforcing – Reason for enabling the Enforce Authentication

    ByPass Settings –optional;

    • Enable Bypass – Option to enable the Bypass option
    • Bypass Count – Enter Number of times to bypass authentication
    • Enable Time Based Bypass – Enable Bypass for the specific period of time
    • From and To Date – Select the From date and To date
    • Reason for Bypass – Reason for enabling the Bypass option

    Note:Possible value for authentication bypass ranges from 0 to 99; 9999 is for permanent bypass authentication

    1.Click “Save” to save all details of the Application User.

    User Management - CyLock

    Figure 63 - Application User Registration Success Message

    Click “OK” to save changes and navigate to List of Registered User page.

Importing Users

After selecting View Users icon Users - CyLock in the List of Registered Applications view, the system navigates to the Application User list view.

  1. In the Application User list view, click “Import User” button as shown below.
  2. Importing Users - CyLock

    Figure 64 - Application User List view

    The System displays the “Download/Upload Template” screen.

    Download/Upload Template - CyLock

    Figure 65 - Download/Upload Template screen

  3. Click “Download” button to download the import Application User download template in the “Downloads” folder of the Computer.
  4. Note: Please read the instruction sheet of the template before populating the data.

    Date Entry Sheet:

     Data entry Sheet - CyLock

    Figure 65.1 - Data entry Sheet

    Instruction Sheet:

    Instruction SheetSheet - CyLock

    Figure 65.2 - Instruction Sheet

  5. Enter all information in the required fields and save to a destination folder.
  6. In the Download/Upload Template screen, choose the saved file from the destination folder and Click “Upload”.
  7. The System displays below success message

    success page - CyLock

    Figure 66 - Import User Details Success Message

  8. Click “Ok” to navigate the List page.
  9. Below snapshot shows the sample imported data.

    Sample Imported User Data - CyLock

    Figure 67 - Sample Imported User Data

Enabling/Disabling User Status

  1. In the Application User list view, use toggle button corresponding to the Application User. The system displays “Inactive User” popup message.
  2. Enabling/Disabling User Status - CyLock

    Figure 68 - Inactive User Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to disable the the selected User.
  4. Note: Click “Cancel” to exit disabling User without saving.

Viewing/Updating User Information

  1. In the Application User list view, click “View/Update” link corresponding to the Application User.
  2. Registered users screen - CyLock

    Figure 69 - List of Registered users list

    The system displays the “Edit Application User” page as in Figure 76.

    Edit Application User - CyLock

    Figure 70 - Edit Application User Info

  3. Update below parameters, if needs to be modified
    • Email Address
    • User Type
    • OU Name
    • Domain Name
    • Contact Number 1
    • Contact Number 2
    • Preferred Number
    • Allow Override Settings
    • Enable Geo Fencing
    • Preferred Auth Mode
    • Preferred Online Authentication
    • Preferred Offline Authentication
    • Time Based Settings
    • Bypass Settings
  4. If the Contact Number of the user is updated then the following alert box will be shown on the system.
  5. Edit Application User - CyLock

    Figure 71 - Pop-up when Updating Contact Info of User

    Device connected with the application user’s contact number will be deleted from the portal automatically

    Note:An update to the contact number or email will display the reason drop-down for selecting or entering the update reason

  6. Click “Update” to save all changes.
  7. Note:Click “Cancel”, to avoid saving any change and navigate to Registered User List view.

Deleting Application User Account

  1. In the Application User list view, click “Delete” icon corresponding to the Application User. The system displays the below confirmation message to delete the Application User.
  2. Delete User Screen - CyLock
  3. Click “Confirm” to remove the selected User. The system displays below success message, as below.
  4. Success screen - CyLock

    Figure 73 - Application Delete Success Message

    Note:Click “CANCEL” in the Delete User popup to exit the deleting process.

Sending QR code to Application User

  1. In the Application User List view as shown in below figure, click “Send QR Code” icon corresponding to the Application User.
  2.  Application User List view- QR Code - CyLock

    Figure 74 - Application User List view

  3. Clicking the QR icon will display a pop-up for choosing the contact number to trigger the QR device registration.
  4. Pop-up to confirm Contact Number

    Figure 75 - Pop-up to confirm Contact Number

    Note:The System sends the QR code to the Application User Email address as below sample.

    Device Registration Token

    Figure 76 - Device Registration Token

    The system displays the success message as shown below:

    QR code sent Success Message - CyLock

    Figure 77 - QR code sent Success Message

  5. To send the QR code to the chosen number, Device binding must be completed. If the device binding is not initiated, it will display an error as shown in Figure 81
  6. Device binding incomplete Message - CyLock

    Figure 78 - Device binding incomplete Message


Devices allow Organization Administrator to change default device for application user, view or update registered device information and delete registered device.

From the Main menu, click Devices to display the Device Dashboard on the right pane. Devices Dashboard displays metrics and List of Registered Devices as shown below.

Devices - CyLock

Figure 82 - Devices Dashboard

Metrics includes Total devices that are registered, Number of Android devices and Number of IOS devices.

Registered Devices list view include below parameters

  • Branch – User Account Branch Name
  • Application – Application Name to which User is associated
  • Application User – Username given when User is associated to Application
  • Device – Name of the Device
  • Phone Number – Phone Number associated with the registered mobile device
  • Biometric –Biometric available in mobile device
  • Application User Status –Application users active status/li>
  • Is Default – Primary registered device used for notification/authentication
  • Is Registered Date –Device registered date
  • View/Update – View or Update the device information
  • Delete – Delete device, only if registered device is not default

Changing default device

  1. In the Registered Devices list view, use “No” toggle button, to make one of the registered devices of an Application User, as default.
  2. Changing default device - CyLock

    Figure 83 - Registered Devices

    The system displays the below confirmation message

    confirmation message - CyLock

    Figure 84 - Device default confirmation message

  3. Click “Confirm” to make Is Default status as “Yes” corresponding to the selected device.
  4. Note: The other registered device is automatically updated as “NO” in Is default status. If only one device is registered it will automatically set as Default device. If user tries to set “No” in Is default, it shows an pop-up message as shown in Figure

    Device default pop up message- CyLock

    Figure 85 - Device default pop up message

Viewing/Updating Device Details

  1. In the Registered Devices list view, click “View/Update” corresponding to the registered device as shown in figure.
  2. The system navigates to the Edit Registered User details screen as below.

    Note: Except Geo Fencing, all parameters are read-only.

    Viewing/Updating Device Details - CyLock

    Figure 86 - Edit Registered User Details

  3. Click “+” to add Geo Fencing to navigate to Add Geo Location screen.
  4. Add Geo Location screen - CyLock

    Figure 87 - Add Geo Location screen

  5. In the “Add Geo Location” screen, enter address and Radius (KM) within which mobile device can receive notification or User can do authentication.
  6. Click “Search” to get Geographical location of the address.
  7. Geographical location - CyLock

    Figure 88 - Add Geo Location list view

  8. Select the Location, as appropriate.
  9. Note: If Location is inappropriate, Use “Search” option to get exact Geographical location.

  10. Click “Add” to update Geo-Fencing Details as shown below.
  11. Geo-Fencing Details - CyLock

    Figure 89 - Geo Fencing Details

    In the Geo-Fencing Details, the Organization Administrator can perform below actions, if necessary.

    • Click “Active” toggle button to inactivate the corresponding location.
    • Click “View/Update” to edit Geo Location
    • Click delete icon , to delete the corresponding location.

Deleting Devices

  1. In the Registered Devices list view, click delete icon corresponding to the registered device.
  2. The system displays below confirmation message.

    Deleting Devices - CyLock

    Figure 90 - Delete device confirmation Pop-up

  3. Click “Confirm” to remove the device from this list.
  4. The system throws failure message, if the registered device is default as below.

    Delete Failure Pop-up - CyLock

    Figure 91 - Delete Failure Pop-up


Administrators are allowed to generate different reports such as Audit History, Request Log and so on as shown in Figure below. For customized users, based on the privilege given, they can access the reports.

Reports - CyLock

Figure 92 - Reports

Audit History

Generating Audit History

  1. On expanding Reports menu, click “Audit History” to display Audit History page as shown below.
  2. Generating Audit History - CyLock

    Figure 93 - Audit History screen

  3. Select the “Audit Table” for which audit history has to be generated, from the dropdown menu that includes below options
    • Organization
    • Portal User
    • Secure Application
    • Application User
    • Device
    • Local User
    • Password Policy
    • Customer Config

    Audit Table

    Various Audit Reports can be generated based on the Audit Table selection.

    • Organization:
    • Organization Audit History displays below customizable columns that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Portal User:
    • Portal User Audit History displays Creation, deletion, updation of portal users that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Secure Application:
    • Secure Application Audit History displays Creation, Deletion and updation of new application and that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Application User:
    • Application User Audit History displays Creation, Deletion and updation of new application user against a particular application and that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Device
    • Device Audit History displays new registration, updation, OS updation of a device and that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Local User:
    • Local Audit History displays Creation, Deletion and updation of local user and that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Password Policy:
    • Password policy Audit History displays Creation, Deletion and updation of new password policy and that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Customer Config:
    • Customer Config Audit History displays below customizable columns that can be checked / unchecked to appear in the report.

    • Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get report for particular time period.
    • Click “Filter” icon to generate the Audit History Report.
    • Audit History list view- CyLock

      Figure 94 - Audit History list view

    • Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search as shown in Figure below
    • Select to Search Drop-Down- CyLock

      Figure 94.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

    • Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Audit History report.
    • Audit history search result- CyLock

      Figure 94.2 - Audit history search result


      • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
      • List View- CyLock

        Figure 94.3 - List View

      • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
      • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
      • Click Column Display- CyLock icon to list the column name to be displayed
      •  Columns to Display List- CyLock

        Figure 94.4 - Columns to Display List

      • “Select to Search” drop down varies for each Audit in “Audit table”

Request Log Auth

Generating Request Log

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Request Log” to display Request Log Auth page as shown below.

Request Log Auth - CyLock

Figure 95 - Request Log Auth

2.In Request Log Auth page, Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get report for particular time period

3.Click “Filter” icon to generate the Request Log Auth Report.

Request Log Auth list includes below columns as shown in Figure below, so as to track the status of User Request

  • Application Username
  • Request Endpoint
  • Request Source
  • Transaction Id
  • Request time
  • Response Time
  • Request Post Parameter
  • Response Content
  • Response Code
  • Request User Agent

Request Log - CyLock

Figure 96 - Request Log Auth List View

4.Enter Username in the Search box to get particular User Information.

Request Response Log - CyLock

Figure 96.1 - Request Response Log


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 96.2 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.

Request Log User

Generating Request log user Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Request Log User” to display Request Log User page as shown below.

Request Log User screen - CyLock

Figure 97 - Request Log User screen

2.Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get Request Log User report for a particular period.

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Request Log User Report.

Request Log - CyLock

Figure 96 - Request Log Auth List View

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search as shown in Figure below

Search Drop-Down- CyLock

Figure 98.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular User log report.


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 98.2 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.

Login Activity Report

The Login Activity Report provides Login and Logout time stamp of CyLock MFA Portal application by all Users.

Generating Login Activity Report

  1. On expanding Reports menu, click “Login Activity” to display Login Activity report as shown below.
  2.  Login Activity Report - CyLock

    Figure 99 - Login Activity Report Screen

  3. Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get Login Activity for a particular period.
  4. Click Filter to generate the Login Activity Report.
  5. User Login Activity List view - CyLock

    Figure 100 - User Login Activity List view

  6. Select a field in the “Search a field to search” box to refine the Search.
  7. Select to Search Drop-Down - CyLock

    Figure 100.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

  8. Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular User Activity report as shown below.
  9. Login Activity Search result - CyLock

    Figure 100.2 - Login Activity Search result


    • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
    • List View- CyLock

      Figure 100.3 - List View

    • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
    • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.

Fraud Alert Report

Generating Fraud Alert Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Fraud Alert” to display Fraud Alert report as shown below.

 Fraud Alert Report Screen - CyLock

Figure 101 - Fraud Alert Report Screen

2.Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get Fraud Alert for a particular period.

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Fraud Alert Report.

Fraud Alert Report list view- CyLock

Figure 102 - Fraud Alert Report list view

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Search Drop-Down Fraud Alert- CyLock

Figure 102.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Fraud Alert Activity report.

Fraud Alert search result- CyLock

Figure 102.2 - Fraud Alert search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 102.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Column to Display” icon to customize the columns to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 102.4 - Columns to Display

Notifications Report

Generating Notifications Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Notification” sub menu to display Notification report as shown below.

Notification Report Screen - CyLock

Figure 103 - Notification Report Screen

2.Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get Notifications of a particular period.

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Notifications Report.

Notification Report list view- CyLock

Figure 104 - Notification Report list view

Status icon displays the mail status as shown in Figure 110.1

Mail Status Screen- CyLock

Figure 104.1 - Mail Status Screen

Select to search drop-down - Notification Report CyLock

Figure 104.2 - Select to search drop-down

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select a column to search Drop-Down - Notification - CyLock

Figure 104.3 - Select a column to search Drop-Down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Fraud Activity report as shown below

Notifications search result- CyLock

Figure 104.4 - Notifications search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 104.5 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.

User Management Report

Generating User Management Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “User Management” to display User Management report as shown below.

User Management Report screen - CyLock

Figure 105 - User Management Report screen

2.Select the type of user from “Filter By” drop-down to display the report of the user.

User Management Report screen - CyLock

Figure 105.1 - Filter By Drop Down

3.Click “Filter” to generate the User Management Activity of a particular user.

User Management list view- CyLock

Figure 106 - User Management list view

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to search drop-down Usermanagement - CyLock

Figure 106.1 - Select to search drop-down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular User Management Activity report as shown below.

User Management search result- CyLock

Figure 106.2 - User Management search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 104.5 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 106.4 - Choose Columns to Display screen

Secured Application Report

Generating Secured Applications Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Secured Application” to display Secured Application report as shown below.

Secured Application Report Screen - CyLock

Figure 107 - Secured Application Report Screen

2.Select an application from “Filter By” to get Activity of particular Secured Application.

Filter By drop down Secured - CyLock

Figure 107.1 - Filter By drop down

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Secured Application Report.

Secured Application list view- CyLock

Figure 108 - Secured Application list view

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to search drop-down Secured- CyLock

Figure 108.1 - Select to search drop down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Secured Application report as shown below.

Secured application search result- CyLock

Figure 108.2 - Secured application search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 108.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 108.4 - Choose columns to display screen

Authentication Report

Generating Authentication Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Authentication Report” to display Authentication report as shown in Figure 115.

Authentication report Screen - CyLock

Figure 109 - Authentication report Screen

2.Select “From Date”, “To Date”, “Auth Mode” and “Auth Type” to get Authentication report for a particular period.

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Authentication Report.

Authentication report list view- CyLock

Figure 110 - Authentication report list view

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to search drop down- CyLock

Figure 110.1 - Select to search drop down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Authentication report as shown below.

Authentication report search result- CyLock

Figure 110.2 - Authentication report search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 110.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 110.4 - Choose columns to display screen

Application User Report

Generating Application User Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Application User Report” to display Application User report as shown in Figure 125.

Application User report Screen - CyLock

Figure 111- Application User report Screen

Application User report Screen - CyLock

Figure 111.1 - Application Name Drop-Down

Application User report Screen - CyLock

Figure 111.2 - Filter By Drop-Down

2.Select “From Date” and “To Date” to get Application User Activity for a particular period

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Application User Report.

Filter By drop down Application - CyLock

Figure 112 - Application User report list view

4.Select a field in the “Search to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to Search Drop-Down Applicationuser- CyLock

Figure 112.1 - Select to Search Drop-Down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Application User report as shown below.

Application User search result- CyLock

Figure 112.2 - Application User search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 112.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 112.4 - Choose columns to display screen

Device Report

Generating Device Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Device Report” to display Device report as shown in Figure 127.

Device report screen - CyLock

Figure 113 - Device report screen

Device Report Filter By drop down - CyLock

Figure 113.1 - Device Report - Filter By drop down

2.From the “Device” drop-down, select Android/iOS. From “Filter By” List, select Active device or Deleted device.

3.Click “Filter” to generate the Device Report.

Device report list view- CyLock

Figure 114 - Device report list view

4.Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to search drop-down Device- CyLock

Figure 114.1 - Select to search drop down

5.Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular User Activity report as shown below.

Device report search result- CyLock

Figure 114.2 - Device report search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 114.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 114.4 - Choose columns to display screen

Summary Report

Generating Summary Report

1.On expanding Reports menu, click “Summary” to display Summary report as shown in Figure 129.

Summary report screen - CyLock

Figure 115 - Summary report screen

2.Select a field from “Select to Filter” drop down. The list has the following:

User Summary: Summary of users - AD or Local, based on

  • User Type: Total Users/ AD User/ Local User
  • Device Registered: AD User/ Local User
  • Device Non-Registered: AD User/ Local User

User Summary Metrics:

  • Total Users
  • Local Users
  • AD Users
  • Total Device
User Summary screen - CyLock

Figure 116 - User Summary screen

User Summary report table contains the following:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • User Name
  • Email Id
  • Preferred Number
  • OS Name
  • User Type
  • OU Name
  • Domain Name

Select a field in the “Select to search” box to refine the Search.

Select to search drop down - CyLock

Figure 117.1 - Select to search drop down

Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular User Activity report as shown below.

User summary search result- CyLock

Figure 117.2 - User summary search result


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 114.3 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 117.4 - Choose columns to display screen

Authentication Summary:

  • Status : Total Authentication/ Success/ Failure
  • Auth Mode : Online/ Offline
  • Device : Android/ iOS

Select “From Date” and “To Date” then Click “Filter” to generate the Authentication Summary Report for a particular period.

Authentication Summary metrics:

  • Total Authentication
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Unique Users
Authentication Summary Screen - CyLock

Figure 118 - Authentication Summary Screen

Authentication Summary report table contains the following:

  • Application User Name
  • Preferred Number
  • Device Alias
  • Status
  • Auth Mode
  • Authentication Type
  • Request Time
  • Response Time
Authentication Summary List view- CyLock

Figure 118.1 - Authentication Summary List view


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 118.2 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 118.3 - Choose columns to display screen

Unique User

Select “From Date” and “To Date” then Click “Filter” to generate the Unique user Summary Report for a particular period.

Unique User summary screen - CyLock

Figure 119 - Unique User summary screen

Unique user summary list view - CyLock

Figure 119.1 - Unique user summary list view


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 119.2 - List View

  • Click PDF- CyLock to save the search results as PDF File.
  • Click Excel- CyLock to save the search results as Excel File.
  • Click “Columns to Display” icon to select the columns that needs to be displayed.
  • Column Display- CyLock

    Figure 119.3 - Choose columns to display screen

Role Master

  • Add the role name and description on this screen. Once it's done, assign the privileges to the role.
  • On clicking the privilege icon, in the role list, which shows the privilege list based on module (User management, Application, Device, Reports and Settings)
  • User management has two sub-modules: Portal users and Local users.
  • Applications have three sub-modules: Secure application, Application user, and Locked accounts
  • Reports have thirteen modules: Audit history, Request log, Login activity report, Fraud alert report, Email history report, User management report, Application user report, Secure application report, Device report, Dashboard report, Notification report, IB web app report and Request log user .
  • The device has no sub-module.
  • Settings have four sub-modules: Webhook, Authentication settings, Password policy and Configurations.
Role Master Screen - CyLock

Figure 120 - Role Master Screen

Adding a Role

To add a role click on “New Role” on the Role Master Screen. A new page appears as shown below.

New Role Screen - CyLock

Figure 121 - New Role Screen

Role registration success pop-up - CyLock

Figure 122 - Role registration success pop-up

Editing a Role

To edit a role click on “View/Update” against the role name on the Role Master Screen. A new page appears as shown below. Do the changes and click on “Update” to save the changes.

Editing a Role - CyLock

Figure 123 - Editing a Role

Role edit failure pop-up - CyLock

Figure 124 - Role edit failure pop-up

Role update success pop-up- CyLock

Figure 125 - Role update success pop-up

Set Privilege

To assign privileges to a role, click “Set Privilege” Set Privilege iconIcon against the Role Name.

Add Privilege screen - CyLock

Figure 126 - Add Privilege screen

Add Privilege screen with Function Menus & Sub-function menus - CyLock

Figure 127 - Add Privilege screen with Function Menus & Sub-function menus

Add Privilege screen with Function Menus, Sub-function Menus & Privileges List- CyLock

Figure 128 - Add Privilege screen with Function Menus, Sub-function Menus & Privileges List

Role Name import success Screen- CyLock

Figure 129 -Role Name import success Screen

Deleting a Role

Delete Role pop-up - CyLock

Figure 130 - Delete Role pop-up

Role Delete Success Message - CyLock

Figure 131 - Role Delete Success Message

Searching a Role

Select a field to search drop-down - CyLock

Figure 132 - Select a field to search drop-down

Role search result screen - CyLock

Figure 132.1 - Role search result screen


  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 132.2 - List View

Branch Master

Branch describes the details of a customer branch and allows org-admin to add, update, and delete branches. The branch name and branch code are unique to each customer.

Branch Master Screen - CyLock

Figure 133 - Branch Master Screen

Adding New Branch

To add a branch click on “New Branch” on the Branch Master Screen. A new page appears as shown below.

Adding a new Branch Screen - CyLock

Figure 134 - Adding a new Branch Screen

Branch registration success Message - CyLock

Figure 135 - Branch registration success Message

Editing Branch

To edit a Branch click on “View/Update” against the Branch name on the Branch Master Screen. A new page appears as shown below. Do the changes and click on “Update” to save the changes.

Branch edit success Message - CyLock

Figure 136 - Branch edit success Message

Importing Branch

Importing a Branch - CyLock

Figure 137 - Importing a Branch

Import Branch Template - Instruction Sheet - CyLock

Figure 137.1 - Import Branch Template - Instruction Sheet

Import Branch Template - Data Entry Sheet - CyLock

Figure 137.2 - Import Branch Template - Data Entry Sheet

Deleting Branch

Role edit failure pop-up - CyLock

Figure 138 - Deleting a Branch

Branch deleted Success Message- CyLock

Figure 139 - Branch deleted Success Message

Select a field to search drop-down- CyLock

Figure 140 - Select a field to search drop-down

Branch search result screen- CyLock

Figure 141.1 - Branch search result screen

Custom Privilege Master

A Custom Privilege Master is used to change the process from normal to maker-checker or maker-checker to normal. To enable maker-checker process, First select the module for which maker checker has to be enabled then select the process to Maker- checker. Then go to Link process user to set maker and checker.

Custom Privilege Master Screen - CyLock

Figure 142 - Custom Privilege Master Screen

Select a field to search drop-down- CyLock

Figure 143 - Select a field to search drop-down

Privilege status updated screen- CyLock

Figure 144 - Privilege status updated screen

Link Process - User

Link Process Master is used to give privileges to maker-checker, so we have to give the module name, sub-module name, branch name, and privilege name. After the user changes the process from normal to maker-checker, he needs to link the user, so he needs to give the module name, sub-module name, branch name, and privilege name.

Link Process - User List screen - CyLock

Figure 145 - Link Process - User List screen

Setting Maker-Checker for Creating Application User Screen- CyLock

Figure 146 - Setting Maker-Checker for Creating Application User Screen

Link Process Success Message- CyLock

Figure 147 - Link Process Success Message


When maker tries to create an application user, a notification will be sent to the checker. Only when the Checker approves the request, Maker will be able to Create Application User. If not, the Maker cannot create the Application User.


The Organization Administrator is allowed to do required settings to all Users across all Applications. If customized user have role privilege, then they can change the settings.

Settings options - CyLock

Figure 148 - Settings options

Authentication Settings

The Organization Administrator is allowed to do required authentication settings to all Users across all Applications. If customized user have role privilege, then they can change the authentication settings.

Field Description Validation
Account Limit A user account limit in an Organization can be specified 250 is set as default
Device Limit Number of Devices allowed per User 2 is set as default
Online Authentications
Select online authentications so as to make them available for User preferences.
Offline Authentications
  • CR-OTP - Display
  • CR-OTP - Email
  • CR-OTP - SMS
  • POTP - Email
  • POTP - SMS
  • TOTP – Auth
Select offline authentications so as to make available for User preferences
Other Features
  • Fraud Alert
  • Enable Geo-Fencing
  • Allow End-User login
Select other features as desired

Click “Update” to save all changes. Click “Back” to navigate to Homepage Dashboard.


 An End User with Portal Access cannot be created or updated when “Allow End User Login” is disabled and the End user is restricted from logging into the Portal.

Authentication Settings Screen - CyLock

Figure 149 - Authentication Settings Screen

Authentication Update Success Message - CyLock

Figure 150 - Authentication Update Success Message

Password Policy

Password Policy is used to implement the configuration for the portal user or local user.

  • Policy Name : User have to enter the policy name
  • Policy Code : Displays the Password policy code
  • Account Type: User chosen Account type will be displayed
  • Status: Shows whether the Password policy is Active or Inactive
  • View/Update : To View/Update the User Password Policy
  • Delete: To delete a Password Policy
Password Policy Screen - CyLock

Figure 151 - Password Policy Screen

Create New Password Policy

To create a policy, click “Add Policy” button as shown in above figure. “New Password Policy” screen appears as shown below.

New Password Policy Screen- CyLock

Figure 152 - New Password Policy Screen

  • Policy Name : User have to enter the policy name
  • Account Type : Select the Account Type by using the drop-down box
  • Restrict Characters : Restrict the Characters, Special character, uppercase, lowercase, numeric, must begin with
  • Restrict Repetition: Number of old passwords to be restricted during password reset
  • Expiry Date : Password expires in after the set date.
  • Restrict Length : Minimum , Maximum length of the characters

Update Password Policy

To change Password Policy, make the required changes and click on “Update”.

Password Policy Update Success Messagen- CyLock

Figure 153 - Password Policy Update Success Message

Note:If you don’t want to make any change, click “Cancel”

Active/Inactive Password Policy

To make a Policy Active/Inactive, click the Toggle button under Status.

Password Policy Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 154 - Password Policy Inactive pop-up

Password Policy Disabled Success Message- CyLock

Figure 155 - Password Policy Disabled Success Message

Delete Password Policy

To delete a policy, Click the “Delete” Icon against the password policy to delete the policy.

Delete Policy Pop-up- CyLock

Figure 156 - Delete Policy Pop-up


  • Enter minimum 3 characters in the “Search” box to get particular Password Policy.
  • The list view displays 10 transactions in a page and can be customized using the drop-down selection as shown below.
  • List View- CyLock

    Figure 156.1 - List View

Password Dictionary

A password dictionary is used to prevent brute-force attacks.

Password Dictionary Screen - CyLock

Figure 157 - Password Dictionary Screen

Create a Password Dictionary

To create a password Dictionary, Click “Add New Word” button. “New Word” text box appears as shown below. Enter the desired password and click “Save” to save the Password.

New Password Dictionary Screen- CyLock

Figure 158 - New Password Dictionary Screen

Password Dictionary Created Success Message- CyLock

Figure 159 - Password Dictionary Created Success Message

New Password Dictionary Added- CyLock

Figure 160 - New Password Dictionary Added

Update a Password Dictionary

To make any changes to the dictionary, click “View/Update” link against the dictionary and make the required changes and then click on “Update” to save the new changes.

Password Update Screen- CyLock

Figure 161 - Password Update Screen

Active/Inactive Password Dictionary

To Inactive a Password Dictionary, Click the “Active Toggle” button under Status Menu against the password dictionary to make it Inactive. Click the same toggle button to make it Active.

Inactive Password pop-up- CyLock

Figure 162 - Inactive Password pop-up

Inactive Password Success Message- CyLock

Figure 163 - Inactive Password Success Message

Active Password pop-up- CyLock

Figure 164 - Active Password pop-up

Active Password Success Message- CyLock

Figure 165 - Active Password Success Message

Delete a Password Dictionary

To delete a password dictionary, click the “Delete” icon against the Password Dictionary.

Delete Password Dictionary pop-up- CyLock

Figure 166 - Delete Password Dictionary pop-up

Delete Password Dictionary Success Message- CyLock

Figure 167 - Delete Password Dictionary Success Message

Grid policy

Grid Policy Screen- CyLock

Figure 168 - Grid Policy Screen

Edit Grid Policy Screen- CyLock

Figure 169 - Edit Grid Policy Screen

Grid Policy Update Success Message- CyLock

Figure 170 - Grid Policy Update Success Message

Grid Policy Delete pop-up- CyLock

Figure 171 - Grid Policy Delete pop-up

List View- CyLock

Figure 171.1 - List View

Grid Dictionary

Grid Dictionary Screen - CyLock

Figure 172 - Grid Dictionary Screen

Create new Grid Dictionary

New Grid PIN Screen- CyLock

Figure 173 - New Grid PIN Screen

Grid Pin Saved Success Message- CyLock

Figure 174 - Grid Pin Saved Success Message

Edit Grid Dictionary

Grid Pin Update Screen- CyLock

Figure 175 - Grid Pin Update Screen

Grid Pin Update Success Message- CyLock

Figure 176 - Grid Pin Update Success Message

Active/Inactive Grid Dictionary

Grid Pin Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 177 - Grid Pin Inactive pop-up

Grid Pin Inactive Success Message- CyLock

Figure 178 - Grid Pin Inactive Success Message

Grid Pin Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 179 - Grid Pin Inactive pop-up

Grid Pin Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 180 - Grid Pin Inactive pop-up

Delete Grid Dictionary

Grid Pin Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 181 - Grid Pin Inactive pop-up

Grid Pin Inactive pop-up- CyLock

Figure 182 - Grid Pin Inactive pop-up


Webhook facilitates communication with third-party applications by sending instant web notifications every time an event occurs in CyLock. With Webhooks, one can configure HTTP URLs and receive notifications related to each authentication. This page will display the list of configured Webhook URLs for the logged in customer. It will be available only for organization administrators.

  • Click on the Webhook from Settings, and it shows the Webhook list Page as shown below.
  • Click on “New Webhook” button, you will be taken to “New Webhook” screen.
  • Enter the required details and save it.
  • Webhook List Screen- CyLock

    Figure 183 - Webhook List Screen

    New Webhook Page- CyLock

    Figure 184 - New Webhook Page

  • Name: Required; Name of the Webhook
  • Description: Description for Webhook
  • URL: Required; Enter the URL where you want to receive the Webhook payload when an event is triggered. We recommend using an HTTPS URL.
  • Secret Key: Enter a Secret for the Webhook endpoint. The secret is used to validate that the Webhook is from CyLock. Do not expose the secret publicly.
  • Alert Email: Required; In the Alert Email field, enter the email address to which the notifications should be sent in case of Webhook failure. You will receive Webhook deactivation notifications to this email address. Multiple emails are allowed with comma separation.
  • Header: Enter key & Value for Header. Multiple Headers can be added.
  • Active Events: Select the required events from the list of Active Events.
New Webhook Page - Active Events - CyLock

Figure 184.1 - New Webhook Page - Active Events

Device Authentication User Behaviour
  • Rooted
  • Jail-broken
  • Hardware ID change
  • GPS Spoof App installed
  • OS update
  • Alias name change
  • PIN Locked
  • Bio Locked or Removed
  • Accept Authentication
  • Reject & Lock Authentication
  • Reject Authentication
  • Offline Transaction Authentication Status
  • QR Authentication
  • Doauth Fence-out
  • Authentication Timed out
  • By Pass
  • Invalid Authentication
  • FCM Error
  • Authentication Cipher Failed
  • Unable To Find Auth-attempt
  • Authentication Limit Reached
  • Already Validated or Not Awaiting Response
  • IP addresses Not sync
  • Validity Expired
Webhook Registered Success Message - CyLock

Figure 185 - Webhook Registered Success Message

In the Webhook list view, click “Delete” icon corresponding to the Webhook Name. The system displays the below confirmation message to delete the Webhook Name.

Webhook Delete Confirmation Pop-up- CyLock

Figure 186 - Webhook Delete Confirmation Pop-up

Note:Click “CONFIRM” to delete the WebHook. Click “CANCEL” to cancel the deletion

Webhook Deletion Success Message- CyLock

Figure 187 - Webhook Deletion Success Message


Org admin/Customized user with privileges can only Update Customer based configurations. Configurations cannot be added, made active or inactive or deleted.

Configurations Screen - CyLock

Figure 188 - Configurations Screen

Geo-Fence Auth_Config Screen- CyLock

Figure 189 - Geo-Fence Auth_Config Screen

List View- CyLock

Figure 189.1 List View

Select a field to search drop-down- CyLock

Figure 189.2 Select a field to search drop-down

Annexure 1

Application User can perform below tasks

Installing CyLock MFA application in mobile device

  1. Install CyLock apk to mobile device of the Application User from Google Play store/ Apple App store as shown in Figure 194
  2. Mobile app displays as shown in Figure 194.1.
  3. CyLock App Installation screen  - CyLock

    Figure 190 – CyLock App Installation screen

    Mobile Device with CyLock App - CyLock

    Figure 190.1 Mobile Device with CyLock App

Registering Mobile device for authenticating Applications

  1. Clicking the CyLock application in the mobile device, the app opens and asks for permissions as shown in Figure 195.1 & 195.2
  2. Permission- CyLock

    Figure 191.1 - Permission 1/3

    Permission - CyLock

    Figure 191.2 - Permission 2/3

    Select Country Screen- CyLock

    Figure 193 - Select Country Screen

    Enter Mobile number Screen- CyLock

    Figure 194 - Enter Mobile number Screen

    Device Binding- CyLock
    Device Binding- CyLock

    Figure 195 – Device Binding

    CyLock MFA App Homepage- CyLock
    CyLock MFA App Homepage- CyLock

    Figure 196 - CyLock MFA App Homepage

  3. Click “Add User” icon to initialize the camera.
  4. Allow Permission- CyLock

    Figure 197 – Allow Permission

  5. Scan the QR code sent to the registered email of the Application User as shown below.
  6. Scan QR- CyLock

    Figure 198 – Scan QR

    Note: If problem occurs during scanning process, Application User can use the Token in email for registration as shown in figure 59.

    Enter Registration No screen- CyLock

    Figure 199 - Enter Registration No screen

    Set PIN for account- CyLock

    Figure 200 - Set PIN for account

    Enter “PIN” of 6 digit Numbers.

    Click “Finish” icon to complete registration.

    Registering device- CyLock

    Figure 201 – Registering device

  7. Device adds the Application as shown below.
  8. Home Screen- CyLock

    Figure 202 - Home Screen

    Home screen of the app is displayed as shown below

    The app includes below screens

    • Home
    • Authenticator
    • History
    • Notifications
    • Home Screen
    • CyLock User Info- CyLock

      Figure 203 – CyLock User Info

    • About Screen
    • On clicking “Visit Us” button, app navigates to Cybernexa website to get more information about the app.

    • CR-OTP
    • DELETE
    • Click “Delete” option, it navigates to Authentication page as shown in below Figure and checks for location.

      Delete Account- CyLock

      Figure 204 – Delete Account

      Click “Enter PIN” to enter your PIN and click to delete the application from your registered Mobile Device.

    • Click “Change PIN” to change the PIN Number. The Change PIN Screen appears as shown in below Figure

      Change PIN- CyLock

      Figure 205 – Change PIN

    • QR AUTH
    • TOTP
    • Authenticator
    • History
    • This provides history of login date and time of the User.

      History Screen- CyLock

      Figure 206 - History Screen

Accessing Application using various authentication

Applications that are secured using CyLock MFA can be accessed through various authentications.

Here is an example of accessing SSL-VPN, one of the applications secured using CyLock MFA, during authentication process. Below are the authentications explained in detail.

  • Push Notification
  • Email CR OTP
  • Email Plain OTP

Accessing Application using Push Notification

  1. After opening FortiClient, click “Remote Access” to display the login screen.
  2. Accessing Application using Push Notification - CyLock

    Figure 207 - Fortinet Login Screen

  3. Click gear icon, to navigate to New VPN connection screen.
  4. New VPN connection screen - CyLock

    Figure 208 - New VPN Connection Screen

  5. Enter all details as required.
  6. Click “Save” all details.
  7. FortiClient navigates to Remote Access login Screen with VPN name and Username displayed by default

  8. Enter Password as followed by “,1”
  9. The system sends Push Notification to the mobile device as below.

    Push Notification to the mobile device - CyLock

    Figure 209 - Push Notification

  10. Touch the notification to navigate to authentication screen as below.
  11. SSL VPN Authentication screen - CyLock
  12. Enter PIN and select “Accept” to establish SSL-VPN connection.
  13. Note: Swipe “Suspect Unusual Activity” to select “Reject” or “Reject and block” option, if suspect fraudulent action.

Accessing Application using Email CR OTP

  1. In the Remote Access login screen of FortiClient as in figure 61,, enter Password as followed by “,2”.
  2. The system sends CR OTP to registered Email id as below sample screenshot.

    CR OTP email - CyLock

    Figure 71 - Sample CR OTP in Email

  3. In the Mobile device, click the Application name, to display CR-OTP, DELETE, CHANGE PIN, QR AUTH and TOTP options as shown below.
  4. display screen - CyLock

    Figure 72 - Application for authentication

  5. Click “CR-OTP” to navigate to Get OTP screen as shown below.
  6. GET OTP - CyLock

    Figure 73 - Get OTP screen

  7. Enter CR OTP sent to email, in Enter Code.
  8. Click “ENTER PIN” to type pin set during registration as shown in figure 74.
  9. ENTER PIN - CyLock

    Figure 74 - Enter PIN popup

  10. After PIN validation, click GET OTP to generate “Response OTP” as shown below..
  11. Response OTP - CyLock

    Figure 75 - Response OTP generated

  12. Enter Response OTP from device to “Answer” textbox in Forticlient.
  13. Response OTP - CyLock

    Figure 76 - FortiClient Login screen

  14. Click “Ok” to establish VPN Connection.

Accessing Application using Email Plain OTP

  1. In the Remote Access login screen of FortiClient as in figure 61, enter Password as password followed by “,3”.
  2. The system sends Plain OTP to registered Email id as below sample screenshot.

    Accessing Application using Email Plain OTP - CyLock

    Figure 77 - Sample Plain OTP in Email

  3. Enter Plain OTP from Email to “Answer” textbox in Forticlient.
  4. Plain OTP from Email - CyLock

    Figure 78 - FortiClient Login screen

    Click “Ok” to establish VPN Connection.

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